As the only Trademark Law Firm in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar with a client guarantee of satisfaction, ACTIP IP Limited’s reputation is built on the reliability of our trademark search process. All of our clients receive a full similarity trademark search, not a simple one page search result.
Qualified trademark examiners, working at Vietnam’s National Trademark Office, conduct a search to find all possible prior similar trademarks to the proposed mark recorded in the latest national Trademark Registry database. This exhaustive search checks for and examines all existing marks including word marks, device marks and composite marks in all aspects of visual, variant spellings, phonetic and audio equivalents, and conceptual similarity to the client’s proposed mark. Each client’s comprehensive trademark search report is then scrutinized and evaluated by two highly skilled ACTIP IP Limited senior trademark attorneys, always in conjunction with a qualified trademark examiner.
This process permits us to render our clients a reliable analysis and professional opinion on the risk involved with adopting a trademark. With over one thousand trademark searches performed every year, ACTIP delivers client value as a top-tier trademark law firm in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar.