Sounthavy SONTHYLUX, BSc.
Patent Attorney

(84) 4 3569 0868

(84) 4 3569 0899

Position: Patent Attorney


Sounthavy SONTHYLUX specializes in the patent law in Laos. His practice focus on patent application and preparation including patent drafting, drawings, searches, analysis, and patent opinions. Sounthavy SONTHYLUX’s core competencies are in the field of mechanical arts and construction industry. Mr. Sounthavy is the Laotian patent attorney of Mechanical Team of ACTIP’s office in Laos.


Prior to joining ACTIP Patent Limited, Mr. Sounthavy had worked as an engineer in the position of Site Supervisor for some Construction Companies of Laos and Japan from 2004 to 2012. At ACTIP Patent Limited, his knowledge and experience has been intensively contributed to the preparation and prosecution for the number of patent applications before Lao Patent Office in the field of mechanical art and construction industries.


National University of Laos (BSc., Civil Engineering, 2001)


Lao Patent & Trademark Office